Frequently Asked Questions

Simply browse our website or call us at 833-206-2945. You can browse online by category or collection, or simply search for the products you need by name.

It's simple! Just select the prescription item, and proceed to checkout. You will be prompted to enter your pet’s information and your vet’s information. Then we will do the work for you in obtaining that prescription from your veterinarian. If you prefer, you may mail your pet's prescription to us at:
ExpressVet Pharmacy
2450 E Guadalupe Rd Ste 110
Gilbert, AZ 85234

For recurring orders that already have an active prescription on file, most orders will be processed the same day and shipped in 1-3 days, depending on courier and geography. Orders that require prescription approval or compounding may take longer to ship.

We offer free shipping for orders over $49.

We do not ship items internationally.

Please Do Not Attempt To Place A Prescription Order If You Live In The Following States: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho , Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Virginia.

*If you are placing an order for non-prescription items we do ship to all locations in the United States.